Thursday 23 April 2020

DFI Session 6

Today it was fantastic to have time to look at our own class site and make it as user friendly as possible. This was very timely as we finish our second week of online distance teaching.

I started creating a workspace for Literacy. I have linked each child's writing doc to their name for easy access for once we are back in the classroom. I am looking forward to adding to the 'fast finishers' page.

It was awesome to be able to receive feedback from our facilitator and group members regarding our site.
One suggestion was to always have a return to homepage button!
Here I have created this (see below) This is definitely something that I will ensure I do on all slides I share with the children in the future.

As always I value the create time in each DFI session. I find it really helpful working to create something new whilst having the support of our facilitator so we can ask questions as we go.

Things I would still like to add / amend on my classrooms website are:
-Add schools web link
-Add teacher photos
-Continue to have a working space for each learning area that can be used daily once we are back learning face to face.
-Rewindable learning (lessons) visible on our site while we are currently teaching distantly.


  1. I have really enjoyed catching up on your blog this evening and reading about the aspects of the programme that have resonated with you. Thanks for sharing how they are working out in your current practice too. I can see that it was timely that you got to be an adult learner using Google Meet and gain fluency with the tool so it is a natural progression for you to use with your children via distance learning. Someofmour colleagues have found it daunting because they have not used it themselves. I am delighted you are getting a good 'turnout' to class too. I bet the parents are happy!

  2. Kia ora Alisha,
    The links you have added for your learners writing are going to be such time savers for you and them when we return to work.
    Having the return to home page is also a great pointer for others to think about. Often we click on something and immediately if it's the wrong place the voice in our head goes 'how do I get back'!
    You have made some great changes to the user experience of your site. I like your suggestions for future improvement too.
    Thanks for sharing!
    - Kelsey


DFI Session 9

Today was the last DFI session. I have gained soo much new knowledge- what wonderful professional development. I have come out of this train...