Thursday 30 April 2020

DFI Session 7

Todays focus was devices

We looked at iPads and Chrome Books. As we are learning at a distance we used the Chrome Book simulator- what an awesome support tool to understand and use a Chrome Book in its full capacity.  Here is a link to the answers I found to a series of questions using the Chromebook simulator. 

We looked at Explain Everything on the iPads - I was particularly interested in this as I use iPads daily with our junior learners. My next step on Explain Everything is to import files and support the children to do this! 

Today we also looked into promoting a cyber smart community within our classrooms and communities.
Here I have created a screencastify to explain some of the content on the Manaiakalani iPad Support 'Kawa of Care' page.    and how this would be useful in the classroom. I also reflect on ways I could personalise it for the learners in my class and their families. 


  1. Kia ora Alisha,
    Nice work getting the screencast onto your blog! Woohoo! Your video is great, very professional. I am looking forward to seeing what you do with the ability to import templates and create activities for your learners.
    See you Thursday,

  2. Lots of new learning in this session wasn't there? I was impressed at the amount of resources available. It's great to be able to screencastify over these and use them in our own contexts. What is the next step for you with these resources and using them for your learners?


DFI Session 9

Today was the last DFI session. I have gained soo much new knowledge- what wonderful professional development. I have come out of this train...